2024 Candidate Smears The Idea Of Working With Trump

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

(PatriotNewsDaily.com) – Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) in a recent interview on Newsmax revealed that even if former President Donald Trump offered him a place as his Vice President, he would not accept it. The 2024 presidential candidate added that he had spoken to Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence and that the job did not sound “too great.”

Christie during Tuesday’s interview challenged Trump to join the Republican primary presidential debate. Trump has claimed that he is intending to skip the first GOP presidential debate in August. However, Christie who has openly criticized Trump in the past has claimed that it is important for Trump to appear on stage and debate against the other candidates.

In a different interview, Christie had alleged that if he and Trump were ever in a physical fight then he would “kick his a–.” He had added that he was willing to fight Trump in any location he wanted and in an arena of his choosing, whether that ended up being the octagon or the debate stage.

The two men had once been allies following the 2016 Republican primary. However, in the past two years, they have often been involved in feuds and had even personally insulted one another with comments about their weight.

Christie’s presidential campaign is heavily focused on his opposition against Trump who is the frontrunner of the Republican primary race. According to most polls, Trump manages to garner the support of over 50 percent of primary voters while Christie is only receiving support from around 3 percent.

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