Major U.S. City Outlaws Guns?

Photo by Dusty Barnes on Unsplash

( – Douglas County District Judge LeAnne Srb blocked Omaha from enforcing their firearm ban which would restrict guns in public spaces. 

On Friday, the judge issued a preliminary injunction as part of an ongoing lawsuit that questioned whether or not the restrictions were lawful. The decision blocks the city ban on firearms, however, it does not include a hold on the “ghost gun” or bump stocks restrictions.

Liberty Justice Center president Jacob Huebert argued that they were happy with the decision of the court to grant an injunction, protecting the rights of Nebraskans against what he referred to as an “executive overreach.” The lawsuit was filed by his organization on behalf of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association. 

As he pointed out, Nebraska law does not give local governments the authority to impose firearm regulations, as the right to bear arms has the state’s protection. He added that they would now move forward with trying to get the mayor’s final order completely struck down. 

The Liberty Justice Center lawsuit argues that the restriction infringes on last year’s law that was signed by Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) which gives residents the right to not require a permit to carry concealed weapons or be required to complete a gun safety course. 

Matt Kuhse, who is the lawyer representing the city of Omaha argued that the city would abide by the ruling while also continuing to fight the lawsuit in court. He added that the decision is unfortunate as it impedes the city’s ability to protect public spaces. 

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