Doctors Pull Off Unbelievable “Miracle” Surgery On Boy

Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash

( – Surgeons from Haddasah Medical Center in Israel were miraculously able to reattach a boy’s head following an accident. Suleiman Hassan, a 12-year-old Palestinian child had been hit by a car while riding his bike, leading to what is referred to as an “internal decapitation.” This means that his skull had detached from his spine.

The Times of Israel reported that the doctors had stated that the boy’s head had been almost completely detached from his spine when he was brought to the trauma unit. Dr. Ohad Einav, the orthopedic specialist heading the operation stated that the surgery took many hours. In order for the surgery to be a success new plates and fixations were used where the areas were damaged.

Einav stated that the only way that they were able to save the child’s life was by using not only their knowledge but also the innovative technology they had available. Following his surgery, Hassan has a projected survival rate of 50 percent.

The surgery occurred in June; however, the hospital had waited to announce the results. Hassan was recently discharged from the hospital but he is going to continue to be monitored.

Einav pointed out that it was rare that the accident had not caused any neurological or motor issues and that Hassan is able to function and walk without requiring any additional aid. During the entire recovery process, Hassan’s father was by his side. He has repeatedly thanked the medical staff for their attentiveness and for helping his son regain his life.

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